Saturday, August 30, 2008

Plans for next year

or maybe this fall, I"m not sure. I have decided that I need the Garden Guide for Austin and Vicinity, though. I think I also may attempt to go to the Free Seminar: Vegetables for Cooler Times, Wenesday Sept 17, 7-9pm Zilker Botanical Gardens.

Anyhow, as I said Plans for next year (and this, of course, is a hold over from living in Colorado--I still think of gardening as a spring/summer thing and it's really not):

1. Some sort of squash. Shawn says "Butternut". Which of course, I've never had. Nor do I know how well it grows down here.

2. Potatoes. Once again, I have no idea what grows here, and what doesn't. So I'll have to do my research. But seeing as how the Red La Sodas are the ones they keep giving us through Farm to Work, I'm guessing they grow here.

3. More tomatoes (will I never learn?)

4. Peppers. I think I'll try to mix in a Bell variety (Shawn won't be happy) and some spicier peppers--I think I'm done with the weird varieties--they just don't seem to do well. Maybe a nice Serrano.

5. More cantaloupe and watermelon. Eventually I'll find a watermelon that actually grows for me.

6. Carrots. Again, this is something that always gets eaten by something. As do my lima bean plants.

Also, I just went out and looked at the yard again. For the fall/winter garden, I think I'll have to create a new one along our north fence. Actually, this is where I wanted to put our normal garden, but since the fence was old, we decided it would suck to put in a garden, and THEN decide to replace it, so we waited. And our neighbor was nice enough to replace the fence last fall. This of course, opens up the possibility of turning our normal garden (in which nothing grows because it gets too much shade) into a flower garden. I think I like that idea.

Also, I still need to look into possibly getting some of those Earth Boxes (or creating my own). I have a feeling that tomatoes and other water hog plants will do better in those.


Rock rose said...

I love all your plans for your next garden. I was doing exactly the same thing today only it had more to do with control. You have reminded me I need to get out and put in a last crop of beans. After all the pulling out I did today there is plenty of room. Thanks for the link to the veg program. I would love to know how to grow rhubarb.

Unknown said...

Yes, veggie gardening down here is different with two, maybe three seasons. Spring, fall, winter. I just planted squash and cucumbers today for the fall. You might try patty pan squash right now. they are yummy and you can just plant seeds in the soil. They are a summer squash, so you could still try winter squash like butternut.

I put potatoes in today as well, never done it before so it will be an adventure.

Have faith in your tomatoes. This summer sucked for them, too hot. Very few people got good crops, I basically got none. But now I am seeing fruit on my plants I cut back by half about a month ago, since our nights and days are a bit cooler.

Check out the Travis County Extension site for good planting info including the Vegetable Planting Guide Calendar