There are mighty plans afoot. Mostly with entirely redoing the side yard/back yard. It is a project that I've had in mind for over a year now, but I've just never done anything about it. UNTIL NOW. As per my goals I wrote up for the year, I have finally come up with a plan. I know, this is as weird for me as it is for you.
As the back portion looks now - a 'dry creek' which doesn't provide anything other than a crapload of rock. In the new plan: GONE. Replaced with a small rock patio area with bird bath. Also gone: the invasive nandina in the back corner and the asian jasmine. |
As the front-ish portion of the area looks - totally over grown. In the plan: rock edging is gone, the turk's cap and shrimp plant stay in the same locaitons but the violet and petunias move. Also gone - the struggling grass. I don't really have what will be used for the paths defined yet...maybe foot friendly groundcover, maybe mulch, maybe decomposed granite. |
Man, this planning instead of plopping is hard stuff...
And don't worry - as soon as I get my plan scanned in, I'll share it (scanned, taken a photo of, whatever - I'm an engineer, not a graphic designer).
1 comment:
If you need any ground cover, you should check out Leadwort Plumbaga. It's my new favorite ground cover. If you get out this way, stop by as I have a little you can look at.
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