Icebox Watermelons: Rainbow Sherbet. Renee's Garden.
Description: Grow
three varieties of early maturing "icebox" watermelons with delicious
pastel yellow, orange, or pink flesh. These extra fancy beauties weigh
in at only 4-7 pounds with thing, green-striped rinds and dense, crisp
flesh. Their party colors and refreshing sweet, sherbet-like taste make
them wonderful everyday treats or gorgeous summer desserts. Pick
melons when the tendril closest to the fruit turns brown, and the light
pathc on the bottom o fthe melon changes from cream to tan. Days
to Maturity: approx 75. Year Opened: 2009. Number Planted:
remainder of packet (about 6) on 3/20. Sprouted 3/27. Seeds always
stored in the fridge.
Experience in the Past: In
the past, the damn varmints have always gotten the watermelons - either
because they actually bit into the watermelon, or because the watermelon
split due to too much water.
Experience this year: 3 total - one eaten by Timmy the possum, 2 eaten by me. And while I've
had better from the store, I've also had much worse. I saved seeds from
the bigger one so I'll try planting them again in the future.
Unfortunately, all three were of the regular pink variety (the packet
contained yellow and orange fleshed watermelons in addition to the pink)
Pumpkin: Casper - White. Page's Seeds.
Description: Casper,
a white skinned ornamental pumpkin with thick orange flesh o fexcellent
eating quality. Grows 8"-12" in diameter, 10-16 lbs. Casper's skin
has less bluing than many other whites. the handle is tan with a corky
texture. Days to Maturity: 100. Year Opened: 2011 (packed for
2009). Number Planted: 4 (entire packet). Seeds stored at room
Notes: Kept forgetting I had these seeds until I found them again this morning (3/20). Sprouted (1) on 4/1. Go 25% success rate!
Experience this year: Dead, Dead, Dead. Complete failure.
True Thai Chiles: Orange Fogo and Red Dragon. Renee's Garden.
Description: We
import these brilliantly colored, authentic Thai chiles direct from
the source! Vigorous Fogo ripens bright orange with delicious medium
hot/sweet pungency, perfect minced in sauces and salads. Red Demon's
fiery little fruits point up like flames, with that nutty, incendiary
pungency just right for stirfries. Use fresh or air dry for
tantalizing Asian-style dishes. Days to Maturity: Approx 85.
Year Opened: 2008. Number Planted: 4 Red Demon, 6 Orange Fogo (planted
1/5/11, sprouted 1/18/11). Seeds stored at room temperature in 2008,
stored in the fridge since 2009.
Experience in the past: The plants never really produced peppers. The Red Demon is the only one we've ever gotten peppers from. NOTE: Gave away all but 1 Red Demon this year.
Experience this year: Holy Schamoly, Batman! A grand total of 149 peppers from ONE plant.
Habanero Chile: Red Savina. Renee's Garden.
Description: Bred
exclusively by Frank Garcias at GNS Spices, incendiary Red Savina is
the hottest habanero known, tipping the scale at 380,000 to 500,000
Scoville units which put it in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Along with brilliant red color and intense heat, Red Savina's flesh has
that special tantalizing fiery fruitiness that characterizes habanero
chiles from the Yucatan. The Chinese lantern-shaped fruits grow on
sturdy 3 to 3.5 foot plants that do best in long hot summer areas.
Days to Maturity: Approx 90. Year Opened: 2009. Number Planted:
5, Took a while for them to sprout - I planted on 1/5 and by 1/18, only 1
had sprouted. Seeds always stored in the fridge
As I posted earlier, they all came up and then a squirrel went and dug
in the box I was growing the seeds and ripped up all of the habanero
seedlings (leaving the other ones alone, naturally). I tried to save 3
of them (2 were obviously goners). Of those, only 1 made it. I just
transplanted it into a 4" pot yesterday (3/19). The remaining plant was
killed off by varmints on 3/31. Planted 1 lone seed in the 4" pot on
Experience this year: No peppers this year. I've pulled the plant in for the winter to see if it will overwinter...
Specialty Eggplants: Italian Trio. Renee's Garden
Description: Our
trio of delicious Italian eggplants combines teardrop-shaped,
purple-black "Nadia," gorgeous, oval-shaped magenta "Beatrice" and
heirloom rose and white, globe-shaped "Rosa Bianca." The strong plants
with velvety leaves and lavender blossoms bear abundant crops of
curvaceous glossy fruits with tender skins and succulent flesh that is
never bitter or seedy. Enjoy in recipes from all Mediterranean
cuisines. Days to Maturity: Approx 80. Year opened: 2009.
Number Planted: 6. Two of each variety. Seeds always stored in the
Notes: 5 of the plants
sprouted by 1/18 (planted on 1/5). 2 made it to transplanting time
(3/19). Both are the Beatrice variety (same variety that survived last
Experience this year: Both plants survived, but only produced a total of 3 eggplants. meh. The Cloud 9 from last year ended up producing a lot more...
True Thai Basil: Queenette. Renee's Garden
Description: This
tropical-looking ornamental basil has dense .5" leaves that grow in
clusters around distinctive purple stems. Imported directly from our
best Thai seed producer, Queenette's exotic flavor combines aromatic
mild sweet spices with clove/mint basil flavor. It is a critical
ingredient in Southeast Asian dishes and marvellous in stirfries,
chutneys and marinades. An eye-catching herb to interplant with flowers
for "edible landscaping." Plant Queenette basil to enjoy growing and
cooking with authentic Thai ingredients. Days to Maturity: NA. Year opened: 2009. Number Planted: A crap-load. Seeds always stored in the fridge
19 Thai basils as of 1/19 (planted 1/5). I don't know how many I
have left because they're all in one flowerpot at work. I just
"planted" all the seeds I saved from last year's plants (3/19).
Obviously, when I say "planted" I mean "throw the seeds to the wind in a
couple areas where basil may grow in the back yard." As an added
bonus, I still have 2 full jars of dried basil and about one quart of
frozen basil cubes from last year. As the combo basil has Thai Basil in
it, I've decided that I'm not going to plant any of the Thai Basil in
the normal garden bed.
Experience this year: The Thai basil does pretty well in Austin. It will reseed itself aggressively, though...good thing frost kills it off...
Long Red Cayenne Pepper:
Free from the Allandale plant sale in 2010. Heirloom Seeds Company.
packed for 2009, opened in 2011. Seeds stored in the fridge since I
obtained them in 2010.
Description: No description on seed packet.
Notes: I
planted 3 seeds, all three did germinate. just transplanted into a
6-pack on 3/19. Transplanted into 4" pots on 3/26. gave two to Janna
and Pam. Kept 1 for myself. 7/21/11: the plant is half the size of the Red Demon pepper which is in the same pot.
Experience this year: A grand total of 14 peppers were pulled off this plant.
Black Krim Tomato:
Planted 9 (planted 1/5, sprouted by 1/18), 3 are still alive, but tiny
(Botanical Interests Organic, opened 2011). Bought 1 at the Sunshine
Community Garden sale and planted on 3/19. Seeds always stored in the
Description: Large
brown-red fruit with rich sweet flavor. Sets well in heat. Heirloom
from Crimea. (from the Sunshine Gardens info sheet) Dark-brown, red
fruit, large (10-12 oz), Russian. Heavy Producer, prone to cracking.
Likes hot weather. Rich complex flavor, sweet-tasting fruit.
Indeterminate. 75-90 days. Status: Heirloom
Notes: Growing
these from seed isn't going so well...perhaps I'll have better luck in
the summer when the squirrels aren't trying to dig up all my plants.
And it's a bit too early to make a call on the one that I planted.
- I had 3 Krims in little pots - 2 are piddly, and the 3rd looks pretty
good. I'm keeping it in a pot until fall though. The one I planted in
the garden is already flowering.
Update 07/21/11: Pulled out the
plant in the garden (it was looking pitiful) and planted two of the
plants I grew from seed in the garden - replacing the Krim and one Roma.
Also took a cutting from the plant I bought and planted in a pot.
Will be giving away the cutting and one from seed. The plant in the
garden produced 5 tomatoes, but 3 were marred by birds. I put up bird
netting and also set out bowls of water for the animals.
Experience this year: 5 tomatoes total from 2 plants. I really wish these plants would produce more...I do so like their toms...
Provider Bush Bean:
Free from the Master Gardeners. High Mowing Organic Seeds Company.
Packed for 2010, opened 2011. Seeds stored at room temperature for
2010. Stored in fridge since 2011.Description: Standard
green bean, always reliable even in poor weather. Comes through every
year with early, heavy yields of attractive stringless beans.
Concentrated sets. Days to Maturity: 50
Notes: Surprised me that the seeds are purple. direct sowed 3/20. Noticed plants on 3/27
Experience this year: Epic fail.
Black Eyed Peas: Free from my friend, Ross. Seeds stored at room temperature.
Description: Cowpeas,
also called Black Eyed Peas, are a favorite southern bean.
Although the young leaves are edible, most gardeners grow them for the
bean inside. Cowpeas are native to Africa, where it is an
important food crop. The plant thrives in warmer climates. There
are vining and non-vining varieties. Maturity in 80-90 days.
Notes: planted for the nitrogen fixing properties.
Experience this year: Managed to get a small crop which I will save for future nitrogen fixing purposes since I don't like black eyed peas.
Basil (Custom Blend): Bontanical Interests. Packed for 2010. opened 2011. Seeds always stored in the fridge.
Description: This
unique blend of basils will provide you with exquisite culinary
delights for your kitchen, texture and scent for your flower
arrangements, color and form for you flower beds. Includes: Lemon
Basil, Anise Basil, Cinnamon Basil, Red Rubin Basil, Dark Opal Basil,
Thai Basil, and Genovese Basil.
Notes: I had a ton of these at work, but then a bunch of them died. just planted some seeds in a 6-pack thingy on 3/19.
- I don't feel that they came up quite as quick as they did at work (I
guess they really do like warmer temperatures). But they have all come
up as far as I can tell. Just waiting for them to get bigger so I can
transplant them.
Update 07/21/11: The only two to make it were a Thai Basil and a Cinnamon Basil.
Experience this year: While the cinnamon basil smells good, I still haven't figured out what to do with least the Thai basil I'll use in sauces...
Roma Tomato: Botanical Interests Organic. Opened 2011. Seeds always stored in the fridge.
Description: An
absolutely excellent, old heirloom tomato used for sauce or canning.
Very firm, meaty 3 inche oblong fruits with very few seeds. Very
productive - up to 200 fruits per plant!
planted on 1/5, 7 plants by 1/18. All have since died. Ended up
buying a plant a the Sunshine Community Gardens plant sale (transplanted
to garden on 3/19).
04-02-11 - Ross gave me a Roma tomato seedling (from Red Barn) in exchange for a pepper plant and some lemon balm.
07/21/11: Pulled the plant I had bought as it looked pitiful (only
produced maybe 5 tomatoes). The plant I got from Ross has flowered, but
not until after the night-time temps were too hot to set fruit.
Experience this year: 7 tomatoes total from 2 plants - the one from Ross bloomed prolifically at the end, but it never did set fruit. Again, another bummer since really the only way we eat tomatoes is in sauce and Romas are great for sauce.
Early Summer Crookneck Squash:
Free from the Allandale plant sale in 2010. packed for 2009, opened
2010. Seeds stored in the fridge since I got them in 2010.
Description: the
standard variety for many years. Summer Crookneck has been improved to
have a smoother, less waterd skin and a more compact bush type plant.
This variety is very popular, easy to grow and fast maturing. Many
gardeners feel that this variety is more flavorful than the
straight-neck types.
Previously planted some of this in the fall, but they never sprouted
(likely because of my lackluster watering skills). planted on 3/20.
Sprouted on 3/27
Update 07/21/11: A few of the plants have
finally taken off and I noticed my first female flower the other day
(now I'm just waiting for it to bloom....). The bees visit the garden
specifically for the crookneck pollen...which is plentiful.
Experience this year: 3 squash total - 2 eaten by squirrels, 1 picked too late to eat.
Sweet Corn, Sugar Dots: Unknown Variety (likely from Lowe's or Walmart)
Description: Yellow kernels that are sweet and tender. Mid to late season. Ears are 8 inches long with 16-18 rows. Seeds always stored in the fridge.
I opened this packet years ago, so they may not even sprout. In
fact, I think I have a picture of the corn last time I grew it - I never
did get any ears from it, but it sure did look nice for the first
couple of months it was growing. direct sow 3/20, sprouted 3/25
07/21/11: It seemed like all the seeds sprouted, and I even thinned
them. But they were in a part of the garden that didn't get much sun
and so they were stunted. The ears produced were maybe only 2" long and
I never even bothered pulling them off the plants.
Experience this year: HAHAHAHA
Lemon Balm: Originally paid $2.99 for each plant at Red Barn in 2010. Plant survived the winter so I did not purchase in 2011.
Description: Lemon
balm (Melissa officianlis L.) is a lemon scented member of the mint
family. A native to southern Europe, it is a perennial which will
over-winter in hardiness zones 4 to 5. The plant develops many branches
and grows to a height of about 2 feet. The leaves are 2-3 inches
long, oval to almost heart shaped, shiny and wrinkled with scalloped
edges. Small light blue to white flowers appear in late spring through
Notes: I
didn't buy this - it managed to survive the winter. That's one hardy
plant, yo. I already can foresee that I'll have to do some major
cutting back of the plants as they're starting to spread everywhere
(which for now is okay since it acts as a ground cover).
04-02-11 - Took some cuttings for coworkers (3-27). Currently the cuttings are sitting in some water on my windowsill.
07/21/11: The lemon balm is looking a little pitiful--like crispy.
but it's still alive and it's only the top that's crispy.
Experience this year: My in laws love this plant. Every time they come over, they harvest a bunch to take home and add to salads. Too bad Shawn and I don't really care for it (Shawn's not a lemon fan to begin with). I'll still use it for the mosquitos, but that's about it. I really probably should remove it from the I just need to create an herb garden somewhere...
Delicata and Early Butternut Squash: Compact Winter Squash, Renee's Garden. Opened 2009. Seeds always stored in the fridge.
Description: This
duo of All-America winners are the best space-saving varieties of
nutty, sweet-tasting, vitamin-rich winter squash. the compact vines of
productive Early Butternut Bush produce fruits with tan rinds that have
moist, smooth, creamy-orange flesh. Compact Bush Delicata has oblong
fruits with handsome striped rinds and rich golden flesh with a
delicious sweet potato-like texture.
Notes: direct sow planted on 3/20. Used up the rest of the pack - 3 butternut, 2 delicata. Sprouted on 3/27
Update 07/21/11: Dead.
Experience this year: Epic Fail.
Quinoa: Brightest Brilliant Rainbow, Botanical Interest Organic. Opened 2010. Seeds always stored in the fridge.
Description: Our
Quinoa (pronounced "keen-wa") has striking colors of hot pink,
burgundy, red, orange, yellow, white and green. Harvest the young
leaves to eat raw or cooked. Colorful seed heads appear in 90-120 days.
Their nutty and deliciuos grains have as much protein as milk!
planted in the fall, but they didn't do very well. I planted again in
the early spring, but they never germinated (because of my lack of
watering). Planted again in a 6-pack container 3/19. All seeds have
sprouted as of 04-02-11
Update 07/21/11: Only 3 plants ever
looked like they were doing okay. Grew to a maximum height of 6". May
get a tiny itty bitty harvest from one plant...assuming the birds don't
eat all the seed (which, which the year we're having, I wouldn't fault
them for it at all).
Experience this year: Epic Fail. Again. Which, considering other amaranths do fine, it's getting annoying.
Yellow Hot Pepper Plant: From my coworker, Charlie in 2010.
The plant never even fruited last year so I dug it up and potted it
and managed to keep it alive through the winter. I just transplanted it
into the garden on 3/19.
04-02-11 - This plant is actually looking worse instead of better. GROW PLANT, DAMN YOU!
04-09-11 - I think the plant may have given up the ghost.
Update 07/21/11: died. Sad.
Experience this year: We shall have a moment of silence for the poor dead plant...I was so looking forward to it as well...
Naga Jolokia: $2 from the Sunshine Community Garden plant sale.
Description: No matter what you call it, it's the world's HOTTEST pepper with a record breaking heat of over 1 million Scoville units. That's more than double the old record holder, the Red Savina Habanero. If you like HOT, then this one's for you. Fruits are 2-3" long and 1-1.5" wide. Ripens from light green to orange to red.
Tis but a tiny thing. Transplanted into the flower pot by the garden
on 3/19. I don't really know why we're trying this one (but when you've
got Thai chiles at up to 100,000, have had habaneros at 350,000, and
have been trying to grow a Red Savina at 577,000, you might as well
throw in the Naga Jolokia at 1,040,000 - but the Naga Viper is now the
world's hottest pepper as of 2/25/2011 at 1,380,000). We once tried a
hot sauce made from this pepper, and while it was delicious, I couldn't
handle more than five drops in the tomato sauce we were making. That's
right about 5 drops with one can of tomato sauce is enough to give a
nice kick.
04-02-11 - The plant looked tiny and piddly and then
all of the sudden this last week it seemed like it doubled in
size...which isn't saying a whole lot considering how small it was to
begin with. But I'm starting to think it might make it.
07/21/11: The plant is quite large, but it hasn't ever flowered and I
think the parsley in the same pot is taking all the nutrients and
water...I really need to pull it out.
Experience this year: Nope...No peppers. I will try to overwinter to see what happens.
Jalapeno M: $2 from the Sunshine Community Garden plant sale
Description: Fiery, thick walled peppers grow 3" with rounded tips. Dark green at first then red. Good for nachos and other Tex-Mex dishes. Days to Maturity: 75
Notes: Best looking pepper of all the ones I have this year. Transplanted into the garden on 3/19.
07/21/11: Has been producing peppers consistently, but only provided a
handful. The hotter it's been getting, the smaller the peppers are -
they're now almost the size of the red hot peppers that Charlie gave
Experience this year: 38 peppers total. The problem: They're jalapenos...that's just not spicy enough for this house.
Late Summer planted crops:
White Kennebec Potatoes:
Notes: 4 planted. Never seemed to do well...Seemed diseased, maybe?
Experience this year: Yeah...I got 2 small potatoes in return...a 50% return rate = not worth it.
Red LaSoda Potatoes:
Notes: 5 planted. Always seemed to be doing better and growing faster than the Kennebecs.
Experience this year: 10 potatoes in return. a 200% return rate = will do again in the future.
Sweet Potatoes: I let a sweet potato from the store go too long and it started sprouting. So I pulled off the sprouts and planted them. Voila! Sweet potato slips!
Notes: 4 slips planted. Man, they can take the heat like champs...they'll get a little wilty, but nothing that they don't recover from.
Experience this year: 16 edible sized potatoes harvested. 400% return rate means HELLZ YEAH I'm planting more in the future.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sweet Potato
Half of the sweet potato harvest. All from 4 slips. I think I'll be planting them again next summer (assuming we're not in the same nasty drought). While the husband and I like sweet potatoes, we don't devour them, so the amount we got (16 small to medium sized) will probably last us a while. Because I used slips from a potato I got from the grocery, it means that this experiment was relatively cheap.
Growing Season 2011,
My Photos,
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Veggie Plant Winners (Round 5)
Black Krim (2 plants) - 5 tomatoes total, 3 ruined by squirrels or birds. Plants removed from garden 11/19/2011
Roma (2 plants) - 7 tomatoes total, 1 ruined by blossom end rot, 2 tomatoes removed while green when the plant was removed from the garden. While the plant bloomed prolifically with cooler weather, it never really set fruit. Plants removed from garden 11/19/2011
Crookneck Squash - 3 squash total, 2 eaten by squirrels, 1 picked too late to eat.
Red LaSoda Potatoes (5 planted) - 10 potatoes
White Kennebec Potatoes (4 planted) - 2 potatoes
Sweet Potato - 16 potatoes from 4 (or so) slips. I haven't eaten any of them yet so they may be complete crap, but the fact that the return was 4-fold, I'm going to do them again next year (assuming no drought). Potatoes harvested and removed from garden 11/12/2011
Watermelon - 3 total - one eaten by Timmy the possum, 2 eaten by me. And while I've had better from the store, I've also had much worse. I saved seeds from the bigger one so I'll try planting them again in the future. Unfortunately, all three were of the regular pink variety (the packet contained yellow and orange fleshed watermelons in addition to the pink)
Eggplant (2 plants) - 3 total - the first one fell off the plant so I was going to use it, but forgot about it until it was soft. The other 2 were used in Pasta Alla Norma. One of the plants is blooming again, but I don't know if we'll get any more eggplants before the freezes start. Rather than wait for the plant to be flush with eggplants and then have a freeze happen, I opted to pull out the two plants on 11/19/2011.
Cayenne Pepper - 6. Edited 11/27: 14 total.
Thai Red Demon Pepper - 64 peppers total, 2 eaten by squirrels/birds, 2 given to Linda Lehmusvirta. 10 given to Daphne Richards, in exchange for a Peter's Purple Bee Balm, 1 eaten by my husband in a bout of questionable mental stability. Plus, more on the way. Edited 11/27: 149 total
Jalapeno Pepper - 20 peppers (though 10 of those are tiny and green and have no heat at all - the plant stem just started drying up so I pulled the peppers off of that stem, but the other 2 stems are fine), plus more on the way. Edited 11/27: 38 total
Black Krim (2 plants) - 5 tomatoes total, 3 ruined by squirrels or birds. Plants removed from garden 11/19/2011
Roma (2 plants) - 7 tomatoes total, 1 ruined by blossom end rot, 2 tomatoes removed while green when the plant was removed from the garden. While the plant bloomed prolifically with cooler weather, it never really set fruit. Plants removed from garden 11/19/2011
Crookneck Squash - 3 squash total, 2 eaten by squirrels, 1 picked too late to eat.
Red LaSoda Potatoes (5 planted) - 10 potatoes
White Kennebec Potatoes (4 planted) - 2 potatoes
Sweet Potato - 16 potatoes from 4 (or so) slips. I haven't eaten any of them yet so they may be complete crap, but the fact that the return was 4-fold, I'm going to do them again next year (assuming no drought). Potatoes harvested and removed from garden 11/12/2011
Watermelon - 3 total - one eaten by Timmy the possum, 2 eaten by me. And while I've had better from the store, I've also had much worse. I saved seeds from the bigger one so I'll try planting them again in the future. Unfortunately, all three were of the regular pink variety (the packet contained yellow and orange fleshed watermelons in addition to the pink)
Eggplant (2 plants) - 3 total - the first one fell off the plant so I was going to use it, but forgot about it until it was soft. The other 2 were used in Pasta Alla Norma. One of the plants is blooming again, but I don't know if we'll get any more eggplants before the freezes start. Rather than wait for the plant to be flush with eggplants and then have a freeze happen, I opted to pull out the two plants on 11/19/2011.
Cayenne Pepper - 6. Edited 11/27: 14 total.
Thai Red Demon Pepper - 64 peppers total, 2 eaten by squirrels/birds, 2 given to Linda Lehmusvirta. 10 given to Daphne Richards, in exchange for a Peter's Purple Bee Balm, 1 eaten by my husband in a bout of questionable mental stability. Plus, more on the way. Edited 11/27: 149 total
Jalapeno Pepper - 20 peppers (though 10 of those are tiny and green and have no heat at all - the plant stem just started drying up so I pulled the peppers off of that stem, but the other 2 stems are fine), plus more on the way. Edited 11/27: 38 total
Friday, November 18, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Project: Backyard Tree
As I wanted to plant a tree in the back yard to replace the Arizona Ash that died a few years ago, I decided it would be smart to call DigTess (1-800-Dig-Tess) to find out what underground utilities were in the back yard before going and digging a large hole. While most of the other projects I'm doing are less than 16" deep, a tree planting hole, is not.

DigTess came out and marked up the yard for me, but all it really did was tell me that the two other spots I wanted to plant the tree were unavailable because of the utilities (damn AT&T cable line!)
So I let it stew for a few days while I went through the blah-ness. Even as of Saturday morning (11/5) I didn't feel like working on the yard in any capacity. That is, until I went to my in-laws house and saw all the progress they've made in their back yard. Then it was like a bug - I had to get home to start working on "the projects." So I spent the better part of the evening digging a hole for an as-of-yet-not-even-determined-much-less-bought tree. After I hit a couple of big roots from the previous tree (I was already over a foot deep, and about 3' wide, so I thought I made a pretty good dent), I gave up and moved to digging out a hole/ditch area at the end of the dry river for a rain-garden type thing (the water is creating another pooling area just outside of the dry river, so I decided I might as well deepen the hole and plant stuff there). Note: The husband is not happy about this turn of events - mostly because he thinks it's going to look weird to have a flower bed in the middle of the yard, essentially.
Then, on Sunday (11/6), I think the planting bug got into my husband because he became all hell bent on getting a tree (after I told him, 'no really! it really is time to plant trees right now!'). So we went off to Red Barn and found a small cedar elm for $35. I was really hoping for a bigtooth maple, but they only had silver, brandywine, and some other variety that was not bigtooth.
And so, now we have a new tree!
DigTess came out and marked up the yard for me, but all it really did was tell me that the two other spots I wanted to plant the tree were unavailable because of the utilities (damn AT&T cable line!)
So I let it stew for a few days while I went through the blah-ness. Even as of Saturday morning (11/5) I didn't feel like working on the yard in any capacity. That is, until I went to my in-laws house and saw all the progress they've made in their back yard. Then it was like a bug - I had to get home to start working on "the projects." So I spent the better part of the evening digging a hole for an as-of-yet-not-even-determined-much-less-bought tree. After I hit a couple of big roots from the previous tree (I was already over a foot deep, and about 3' wide, so I thought I made a pretty good dent), I gave up and moved to digging out a hole/ditch area at the end of the dry river for a rain-garden type thing (the water is creating another pooling area just outside of the dry river, so I decided I might as well deepen the hole and plant stuff there). Note: The husband is not happy about this turn of events - mostly because he thinks it's going to look weird to have a flower bed in the middle of the yard, essentially.
Then, on Sunday (11/6), I think the planting bug got into my husband because he became all hell bent on getting a tree (after I told him, 'no really! it really is time to plant trees right now!'). So we went off to Red Barn and found a small cedar elm for $35. I was really hoping for a bigtooth maple, but they only had silver, brandywine, and some other variety that was not bigtooth.
And so, now we have a new tree!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Holy Ginger!
My science experiment is going well. I found a "how to grow ginger" article from Tropical Permaculture and subsequently planted some ginger pieces on April 16.
The picture above was taken on October 29. (compare to the picture taken in July here)
Now I just have to stop watering, move inside to protect from freeze and collect the ginger in February...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Naga Jolokia: The Ghost Pepper
Excitement abounds! In other news, Shawn decided that it was a good idea to eat a Thai Pepper straight off the vine. That went as well as to be expected.
Also, in unrelated news, Shawn and I were sitting out on our deck and he decided to open the grill (it has the bad habit of getting all moldy from the humidity). Lo-and-behold, we left two fully cooked turkey wings on the grill. So now we have some non-edible turkey jerky in the grill...oh goody!
Monday, November 7, 2011
My in-laws have been making some great headway on the paths/bed/patio project (you can read previous entries Design and Paths). So far, the biggest problem my mother-in-law has had is that plants are expensive. She's been doing pretty good at getting plants that can be divided and getting plants from neighbors/clients, so she's doing okay at keeping the costs down - of course until the plants start to fill in, the beds will look pretty sparse. Apparently she's been so keen on planting plants that my father-in-law actually got to the point where he refused to plant anything that wasn't a perennial.
I guess my mother-in-law has found out from one of the neighbors that she's technically supposed to have their back yard 60% grass (oh silly homeowner's associations). But! The neighbor says that he likes the beds better than the dirt patch that they had because buffalo grass does not grow in the shade. They've apparently gotten nothing but compliments on their yard at this point in time. Hopefully they won't be turned into the HOA, because that would kinda suck. But I'm also sure that the HOA would have to let it slide since, as stated before, buffalo grass doesn't grow in the shade.
They haven't started yet on the patio itself, and they still have to fill in more rocks and mulch, but it really is starting to come together:
This photo is looking south from just outside their bedroom door. The front bed (with the sparse rocks) hasn't been worked on - apparently there's some discussion about how much of the grass to remove - it's sparse right now, but it might fill in so my father-in-law wants to leave it, but my mother-in-law thinks that it might die, so she wants to get rid of it now.
This is from the south side of their sun room looking north. They're using cypress mulch for the paths as it's supposed to stay put and not float away.
From the north corner of the yard looking to the south. A bit fuzzy, but you can see the more of the plants - mostly turks cap and liriope right now. I guess she's got a bunch of ruellia from one of her clients that she's planting to see if it will take.
Standing just outside their sunroom door. The spot where I'm standing is the location where the pavers are supposed to go.

Standing just outside the sunroom door and looking north - the bare area that is roughly outlined by rocks is supposed to be pavers, with the bed around the last tree filled in.
I guess my mother-in-law has found out from one of the neighbors that she's technically supposed to have their back yard 60% grass (oh silly homeowner's associations). But! The neighbor says that he likes the beds better than the dirt patch that they had because buffalo grass does not grow in the shade. They've apparently gotten nothing but compliments on their yard at this point in time. Hopefully they won't be turned into the HOA, because that would kinda suck. But I'm also sure that the HOA would have to let it slide since, as stated before, buffalo grass doesn't grow in the shade.
They haven't started yet on the patio itself, and they still have to fill in more rocks and mulch, but it really is starting to come together:

Standing just outside the sunroom door and looking north - the bare area that is roughly outlined by rocks is supposed to be pavers, with the bed around the last tree filled in.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Those birds will go through an entire feeder full of safflower and black oil sunflower in a couple of days. They, of course, tend to ignore the thistle feeder except for when the other feeder is so busy that they have to take turns to feed.
I'm still filling the platform feeder every day (with about a cup of seed). I've started mixing in some safflower since the birds like it and the squirrels don't. So far it seems like the Jays and the squirrels will make off with the black oil sunflower seed and the finches/chickadees and cardinals will get the safflower.
Of course, we did have our first feeder casualty; a dove. While I'm not necessarily happy about this turn of events, I also know that the killer was one of the feral cats. And while it sucks that a bird died, I can't exactly say that doves are all that smart and it was walking around on the ground at the time of its demise. That being said, the mockingbirds can also be quite dumb - dive bombing cats isn't usually the surest way to a long life...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The blah-ness
As all local gardeners know, central Texas has two short growing seasons instead of one long one. But of course, I always try to get my plants to limp through the hot summer to start producing again in the fall. And, after a summer like this one, boy are the plants limping.
Of course another problem with the plants making it through the summer is that I have no space to plant anything for the winter, nor do I have the energy to actually do any planting.
So I should be planting garlic and fennel in the veggie garden, and I should be planting trees in the yard and working on any of the plethora of projects I have in the yard (Hell Strip, Front Berm, Rain Garden in the side yard, removing part of my rock garden and moving it elsewhere, re-seeding the dead grass with NAS drought grass seeds, etc.). But I just can't get in the mood to do any of it.
Hopefully this changes soon (very, very soon) because seriously, I need to get a move on.
Of course another problem with the plants making it through the summer is that I have no space to plant anything for the winter, nor do I have the energy to actually do any planting.
So I should be planting garlic and fennel in the veggie garden, and I should be planting trees in the yard and working on any of the plethora of projects I have in the yard (Hell Strip, Front Berm, Rain Garden in the side yard, removing part of my rock garden and moving it elsewhere, re-seeding the dead grass with NAS drought grass seeds, etc.). But I just can't get in the mood to do any of it.
Hopefully this changes soon (very, very soon) because seriously, I need to get a move on.
Texas Native/Naturalized,
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Possible Freeze
Wow, we're already at that time of year where we have to worry about possible freezes.
Tonight should be okay in Austin Proper, but tomorrow night I think I'll bring in the peppers and cover the tenders since it is forecast to be 36 at 7 am Friday morning.
Makes me wish all of my thermometers were working properly...
Tonight should be okay in Austin Proper, but tomorrow night I think I'll bring in the peppers and cover the tenders since it is forecast to be 36 at 7 am Friday morning.
Makes me wish all of my thermometers were working properly...
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