Looking for a confirmation that this is indeed horse herb.
The husband has started complaining about how it's taking over the flower bed...the flower bed which is currently full of seeding parsley. This means that I'm going to be digging it up and throwing it in the compost bin...unless it's horse herb...then I may pot some in 4" pots and bring it to the garden blogger get together.
So, if it's horse herb, let me know. And if you want some, let me know.
That is indeed horseherb. I love it in my shady walkways but hate it in my flower beds! I've seen it at Dromgoole's Natural Gardener for $1.99 per 4 inch pot.
That's Horseherb all right. It's a good plant if it grows in a good spot and a weed any other place. I've always known it as Straggler Daisy. I like the name better.
Good gods, that stuff is virulent. People actually pay for it? I'm sitting on gold if so.
I had it at my old place and, in places, it was a monoculture. We could mow it and it just kept blooming.
I couldn't believe it but it almost doesn't exist on the new property, only 4 miles away. I too had to buy some at $2.00 a pot. Then I found 2 other plants growing on the property and added them to the bed. They will be a ground cover around a little sitting area in my garden and also will be growing under the Barbados cherry hedge.
I think it's a great plant in the right place but needs to grow alone or with other equally aggressive plants.
I like horseherb and am happy to have it spreading for now. I'd much rather have horseherb than Bermuda. But yes, it will happily take over a flowerbed if you let it.
When I first moved in to my house, I didn't know what it was so I pulled it all out. Luckily it just came back the next year. I let it spread into some areas now, I like it.
Is Horse Herb edible? I have it growing in abundance! If so what vitamins and minerals does it contain... and how would one eat it. I know horses eat it... but can people? I struggle to grow veggies in my garden... slowly... but it seems the edible weeds are EVERY WHERE and grow big strong and tall WITH NO TENDING TO THEM even when the dogs or people walk on them... they just keep growing! My veggies would probably die if you walk on them. I have purslane, dandelions, henbit, amaranth, and at times chickweed... but don't know if horse herb is edible. Anyone know?
Carol - I don't know if it's edible (I somehow doubt it - unless you have horses/chickens/cows/goats). If you find out it is, please let me know.
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