Saturday, April 25, 2009

Garden Work

I jogged/walked the Texas Round Up 5k this morning, and on the way home, I decided it was a good day to do some yard work so I stopped off at Lowe's to pick up a couple bags of mulch.

I've mulched the vegetable garden beds and pots, and I still have 2 bags in order to do the flower beds. I also planted 4 more potted plants from Draco Gardens (I know, I've been horrendously lazy recently). Of course it took me a while to dig holes and everything because the previous owners used that weed barrier stuff in the beds where I planted the Artemesia and Rock Roses. Now, of course, I am a hot mess because all I've been doing all day long is sweating profusely.

The volunteer plant by the gate has proven to be a yellow lantana plant (a color which we do not have). Too bad it's in a place that requires me to move it to a different location, otherwise the gate will eventually smash the poor thing to death. I tried to take photos of it yesterday, but it was very windy, so we'll see if any of them turned out good enough to post.

1 comment:

Sue said...

It was good to meet you today. Thanks for reminding me about mulching. I am a procrastinator, and the weekends sure do fly by.