Sunday, February 8, 2015

Around the yard in early February

Romanesco Cauliflower 2/7/15.  A very bad picture, but this cauliflower is all about the fractals.  Which is just like candy for an enginerd such as myself.

The garden on 2/7/15.  The lettuces are all stating to bolt.  The aphids are attacking the mustard greens.  Guess I'd better start thinking about cleaning plants out for the spring garden...or I could just wait until I have my tomatoes ready to go in.

My first cauliflower (at least, I think this is my first...maybe it's the second) on 2/1/15.  In any case, cauliflower normally never grows for me so I'm happy about this one.

White cemetery iris has started to bloom on 2/1/15.  No indication of blooming from any of the other irises I have around the yard, but then the cemeteries always seem to bloom first anyway.


Debra said...

Grats on the cauliflower! In my neighbourhood the white irises always seem to be the first. Yours is so lovely!

Danielle Butler said...

Yahoo! On the cauliflower. Met a lovely gardening couple who also told me all about romanesco. Very cool plant and very interesting looking- dani