Saturday, January 25, 2014

January Foliage Follow Up (Delayed)

A little late, but better late than never (except when we're talking about sowing seeds out of season, naturally).

Pam at Digging started foliage follow up to highlight the various plants that hold the garden together when things aren't blooming.

I really dig my Iris bed -

The Passionvine apparently stays evergreen - who knew?

The front walk succulent bed is keeping on - though I got to say, the smell of rotting garlic from the society garlic every time it freezes is really starting to get to me.

1 comment:

Bob said...

You have pointed out a problem for me, trying to have a few plants in every bed that stay green all winter. The problem is doing it with out the beds being boring. I think you have done a good job of it.

That side yard would look so much better with a really cool gate. I know some one who would do it for you really cheap.