Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolution: Focus

Taking a page out of The Whimsical Gardener's book, I'm going to have a one word goal for the year.  That word is "focus."  It applies to all aspects of my life - work, personal, garden, photography, and so on and so forth.

So yes.  Focus.  Focus on the now. Focus on the future. Focus on the plan. Focus on the animals.  Focus.


Ally said...

I read Cat's blog too. I'm still waiting for my word to find me. Huh... Maybe my word is patience? Happy New Year!

Roberta said...

You have so much to focus on! I'm going to focus on my garden and let everything else go to pot: work, marriage, the blind dog, the car. So pretty much, nothing will be changing.

Cat said...

Hahahaha ... I'm still laughing at Roberta's comment! I hope you find the word for the year helpful too. Focus ... we could all use some of that, no? Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2013.

Linda/patchwork said...

Focus was my word for last year. I have a bit of trouble doing that....staying focused.
It did help, though.
I haven't found my word this year, yet. Maybe I should focus more.

Good luck. Happy New Year.

ChrisG said...

Nice word - Focus. That's a tough on in this day of so much to think about.

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