Monday, July 19, 2010

Weather Forecast: It's Hot.

It's hot outside. my tomatoes are under attack of the dreaded Stink Bugs. I'll be ripping them out soon--the plants look too far gone to try to save for the fall (except for the Ananas Noir and Purple Cherokee...this could be because they have produced naught but one tomato between the two of them). Instead I'll be planting some transplants, probably a green zebra and a cutting from the Ananas Noir.

Otherwise everything is doing okay. The eggplant is good, the squash are good, the parsley and lemon balm are great. I started some broccoli and cauliflower for the fall but the seedlings were attacked by snails or something so I don't know if any will pull through.

The society garlic and rock rose seem to love this weather (of course they also get afternoon shade), both turk's cap plants in the back are blooming, and I've discovered that in addition to moving one of the passionvines this fall, I'll also have to switch the cast iron plant and the giant petunias--the cast iron is in a spot that I was sure got shade but apparently is actually quite sunny (don't get me wrong, they're doing well there, it's just that the petunias would probably benefit more from the sun than the cast iron plant). The butterflyweed is a breeding ground for aphids...but I did see my first monarch on the plant the other day (it was either male, or it's not breeding season yet).


Cynthia said...

Where are you getting transplants (did you start your own from seed)? I have not really seen any new vegetables at the garden centers out by me (Leander/Cedar Park). Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Stinkbugs are (thanks goddess) minimal this year for, but mealybugs are in maximum swing. I hate them.

katina said...


Yes, I started my transplants from seed--I have green zebra and a few brandywine if you want some. I think Fall tomato transplant season is the end of July. This will be the first year that I'm using fresh plants (I normally baby my spring plants through the summer into the fall). It's still early for Broccoli and Cauliflower (by about a month).

Cynthia said...

That would be totally awesome. This is the first year of actually get any tomoates (started gardening last summer). A few of my plants are played out and decided this weekend they would be off to the compost bin. E-mail when we can meet up. Thanks again.