Thursday, December 10, 2009


I am typing this from my phone, so please disregard spelling errors and what not.

The fall garden has made it through our two freezes in the last week, the spring garden, however, did not. This isn't very surprising as I did cover the fall garden with a bed sheet and did no such thing for the spring garden. To be fair, I was going to try to save the black krim tomato, but fate had other plans. Mostly, those other plans involved going to the husband's office holiday party. So, when we got back home it was already 30 degrees outside. And it was alteady obvious the eggplant was done for.

Thankfully, I had decided to save as many tomatoes as possible and pulled the plants the night before the first freeze--just like we used to do in colorado. That is, I pulled up the plants and hung them, root end up, in the garage. So far I've eaten maybe three romatoes from those plants...all of which have been damaged by bugs, but they still had good parts.

I'll post pictures of the hanging tomato plants when I have time.

1 comment:

Bob said...

I had every thing covered Katina, but it just got too cold. There were so many plants that died that the smell of dead plants was in the air. At least Cheryl and Randy got here to see the garden before the freeze on their nursery crawl.