Saturday, April 26, 2008

Watering before the Rain

Normally I try to wait for the rain to come so I don't have to water my plants. The problem is, the predictions for rain can be totally off.

I had been trying to wait until it rained, but yesterday my plants were starting to look a little peaked, so I watered them using the water in the rain barrel.

Then, at about 9pm it started raining. hard. it even hailed a tiny bit.

Ultimately we got about 1.5" of rain in about an hour.

Well, at least my rain barrel is full again.


Anonymous said...

I did the same thing. I started watering, and then the rain arrived so I turned it off. So the hose still lies out there, but I need to check the rain gauge to see what we got.

Anonymous said...

I was so hoping for rain on Wednesday, but we didn't get a drop, so things were a bit worse for wear when the rains finally arrived last night. I should've broken down and watered sooner, but... gosh, it's supposed to rain, so it seems like a waste!

My poor plants - they have to put up with so much.

Rachel @ in bloom