Anyhow, I took some seeds from the tree at the HEB down the street. and then I decided to plant them around the homestead area (a couple out by the rose bush, and a couple by the composter). Who knows if they'll come up (the ones out by the composter have the best chance I think because they aren't competing with other plants, plus I was able to actually plant them in the ground).
Now I only have to wait like 5 years to be able to see anything.
If you have any questions concerning growing the Texas Mountain Laurel I would be glad to address them for you. I've been growing them from seed for about 4 years now with great success about an hour west of Austin.
When is a good time to plant?
I don't really know a whole lot about the best time to plant these seeds. I do know that it's tougher to transplant them (they get used to a certain amount of sun, and then if you plant them somewhere that doesn't get that same amount, then they tend to die). The ones I planted from the HEB trees never sprouted. Of course, this could be because I never watered them. I took some more seeds from the Bus Stop trees about a month ago and immediately planted them. Those trees have come up. I'll post pictures soon.
Perhaps "B" has some suggestions.
Thanks Katina, that was very helpful.(I was going back and forth between transplant and seeds. I had heard that the seeds were slow growers)
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