Saturday, January 14, 2012

Questions, Answered

In case you don't already know, I have comment moderation turned on for entries over 2 weeks old - this is mostly for my benefit as I hardly ever go back and check to see if any posts have gotten any more comments than during that first week after I've posted said post.  This also means that you'll get a quicker response from me since I actually get emailed your comment.

Anyhow, Michael asked that I email him back some responses to questions which is only a doozy because there was no email address included and he hasn't filled in his blogger profile, thus, no way to contact him.  So I'm doing it here:

Michael's first question was if the habanero peppers I got from my plantings darn near burned my tongue off.  The answer is "no" because I have, to date, never been able to grow habaneros from seed.  Also, when we do have super hot peppers like habaneros or the ghost pepper, we will use it in chili or something similar so it's in the crock pot all day long which seems to severely limit the hotness factor.  We just made chili a two weeks ago with the ghost pepper.  I thought it was very hot.  Not so hot to make the food inedible, but still quite hot.  My husband said I was crazy and he was disappointed that the chili wasn't hotter.

Michael's second question is in regards to the peanut plant - he specifically asks what the flowers look like and when I first noticed them.  I don't quite remember when I first noticed flowers on the peanut plant, but I do know that from when I transplanted it to when I first noticed flowers had to have been a couple of months (3 or 4 would be my guess).  The flowers are yellow, they look roughly sweet pea ish (which makes sense since they're both legumes), and they're kinda small.  The biggest thing to remember is that peanuts form underground from the fertilized flower so it will form red-brown runners which will drop to the ground and will look something like this:

More specifically, the plant will probably eventually fall over and grow more along the ground - at least mine did.  I tried to stake it up but abandoned that because it kept sending out the peanut runners and it was taking forever to get to the ground.  I ended up with 4 peanuts by the time I pulled the plant out. 

Hope that helps...

1 comment:

Dani said...

peanut runners... that's sooooo cool. must learn more about peanuts.