Sunday, January 15, 2012

Project: Front flower bed

You see, the goal is to plant these plants:

in this bed:

But, of course, this also requires the turning of soil, the adding of compost, the removal of dead and dying plants (including a portion of that vile Asiatic Jasmine).

After:  Soil turned, some jasmine removed, plants planted...let's see how many make it through the winter...

And of course, now I'm thinking I need to plant some possumhaw or yaupon holly on one side of the berm - maybe replacing even more of the jasmine.  And I'd still like to do a stock tank pond, but that might end up in the backyard instead of the front...


Roberta said...

I don't know what possumhaw or yaupon holly is but I like the name of both!

LindaCTG said...

Wow, looking good! It's the best time for the hard labor, that's for sure, and certainly the best time to get plants in. With your narrow space, a possumhaw might overwhelm in a few years. But a yaupon would be great. And so would possumhaw if you want to keep it in bounds.

katina said...

@Linda - Noted. Thank you!