I attended the Austin Garden Bloggers Get Together last weekend. (also, does any one find it funny that Blogger.com says that Blogger isn't a word?) I showed up late at
Jill's house as I left my house a little late (what do you mean I can't make a land-speed record and make it to downtown in 5 minutes?), and so I'm sure I missed introductions and what have you. After hanging out in Jill's yard for a while, we went on a walking tour of the immediate neighborhood, and it was during this tour that I found out just how large artichoke plants are AND how large pomegranate trees can get. Discovering this kinda actually sucks because I wanted to plant a pomegranate in the front yard but it's a bit big for the place where I wanted to put it.

After our walking tour it was off to
Jenny's house to see her gardens...and quite honestly, if she'd let me I'd just take out of town guests there rather than the wildflower center. And she makes it seem so ea

sy to have a gorgeous garden. After the explanation of how everything was done (the rockscaping part), we had snacks (courtesy of everyone) and a little raffle (courtesy of
Pam). Jenny's husband, David, won the first raffle and I don't remember who won the second (
Vertie maybe?), And as Pam points out in the comments,
MSS won one of the raffles (and actually there were three raffles--two for books, one for a magazine). After more food and conversation,
Diana recommended that because the weather was starting to turn stormy that maybe the plant swap should commence. So we all trouped around the yard to the driveway. Since I didn't bring anything to swap, I pretty much stood back and only accepted seeds that were offered (I don't know why but when people want to get rid of plants, I view it as a big money commitment from them whereas seeds ar

e more like "I have this, but I don't want it, please take it"...which of course is only funny because all the plants are dug up from yards and the plant swap is really more like saving a plant from a compost heap).
Sue and I got involved with talking about work (we both work with government entities...she for the
environmental side and me
not so much), and when we noticed everyone else heading off to our cars, we opted to as well. That's when Jenny asked if either of us wanted the bulbine plants sitting on the driveway. Since everyone else was leaving, Sue and I split the plants and then headed for our cars. I don't remember any one presenting/talking about the orange bulbine (I do remember someone talking about the yellow bulbine which was snapped up). So, to whichever of you garden bloggers brought the orange bulbine, thanks so much! I already planted it out in the front yard, hopefully it actually does well where I planted it. (also, please tell me if I linked to anyone incorrectly!)
It was nice to finally meet you, Katina. I'm glad you joined us. We're a pretty casual group with no formal introductions--just meet-and-greet each time. Maybe we need to do more than nametags next time though.
MSS of Zanthan Gardens also won a raffle book. I don't know who brought the bulbine, but it is a great plant. You shouldn't have hung back on some of those plants that were slow to find takers! Nobody wants to throw any away, as you rightly point out, and would have loved for you to have them.
Hope to see you again at the next get-together!
I sure wish I could have come. Out of all the gardens around I want to see East Side Patch and Rock Rose's.
I'm glad we got to meet! It was good chatting with you. My bulbine is blooming as well, I'm so happy to finally have some.
It was nice to meet you! I wish we'd thought to have a group picture to post to the Google group, though, just because I'm having a hard time putting all of the faces with names and blogs, though this was the first time we've done nametags at one of our shindigs and that helped a lot.
And seriously, you're right about saving plants from the compost heap. That's exactly where my unclaimed beach vitex and ruella went when I got home. :)
Bulbine is awesome. It fills in so fast and seems to thrive on neglect. I just wish it came in more colors!
I like your view point. It's nice to blog hop and see the garden from different angles:)
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