Sunday, April 19, 2009


When Ross (coworker) and I went to the MG Spring Vegetable Gardening seminar, they gave us a seed pack of the Silver Rib Swiss Chard and a coupon for ordering seeds from Renee's Garden. The coupon was a "buy 4 get 1 free" deal. But of course, with one pretty small garden, what was I going to do with 5 packs of seeds other than plant them over the next 10 years?

That's when the idea struck that I could just go in on ordering the seeds with my garden fanatic coworkers and then subsidize the cost somewhat. I got enough people involved that it ended up making the cost $0.50 per variety wanted, and all I had to do was separate all the seeds into equal amounts and copy the planting instructions for everyone. I also went a bit crazy and ordered 10 seed packs instead of the required 5. But so far I think all involved are happy with the outcome--5 varieties of seeds for $2.50: The only possible problem is that for some seed varieties it means that people only got maybe 5 seeds or so (like the watermelons), while with other seeds everyone got 50 (like the scallions).

So, over the next couple of planting seasons (fall and spring most likely), I'll be starting the following seeds:
Chard (from the MGs)
Bell Peppers
Habanero Peppers
Winter Squash
Garlic Chives

Add this to the goal of saving my own seeds from the tomatoes (and possibly peppers...if they ever grow), and I'm going to be very busy this year.


Anonymous said...

Still having trouble figuring out where to plant my seeds, running low on space in the garden. Maybe some of it can go into containers, if only I hadn't missed the class, I might know!

Ross said...

Anonymous #1 is me, sorry about that.

Unknown said...

I planted those chard seeds a few weeks ago and they are already coming up! I love that chard is year round here.

Glad you made it to the MG class.