Saturday, November 27, 2010


I thought for sure that by me going and picking off all the large-ish tomatoes and peppers that it would for sure guarantee that it would not freeze last night. And oddly enough, I don't think it did. It did, however, get cold enough to kill off the bell peppers (even though they were covered), the cayenne, most of the habanero and obviously the eggplant (I say obviously because it wasn't even covered, and it tends to die as soon as it hits 35 degrees). The tomato plant made it through okay, so i've gone and covered it again along with the little pepper plant and the habanero.

The reason I don't think it made it down to freezing last night? because all the other plants I didn't cover that should have been frost damaged for sure, weren't. So either the microclime in the garden corner is colder than the front yard and the side yard, or the peppers and eggplants die when it's 34 degrees outside.

You know, I really ought to invest in an analog thermometer--the digital ones keep breaking or the batteries keep dying or something.

Also, I planted the onion starts I got from Ross, I ended up with more this year, but not all of them look like they're going to make it...which means I'll probably end up with about the same as last year. Which turned out pretty well--I just used up the last of the garden onions last night.


Caroline said...

In my experience, warm weather veggies like eggplant, cukes, string beans and peppers die with the first frost, covered or not, and the tomatoes will go with the second or third. They've had their day in the sun, and I'll replant in March.

Rohrerbot said...

Ah and more cold nights are scheduled for us.....keep watch....warm vegetable gardening is done....but start your cilantro:)

Rock rose said...

I have a few of those microclimates too but they did little to help last week. It was int he low 20s over here and I lost my peas! boo hoo.

Unknown said...

I think you're doing well by even having peppers still, I replaced everything with salad starts about a month ago. Good job!

Cat said...

My beets are hanging in there so far but all the tenders have gone...time to start doing a little clean up!

antigonum cajan said...

Yep. That is the golden subject, plus tomatoes and peppers.

Everywhere...Good luck in your projects....